Friday, May 1, 2009

New at this thing

This is a little confusing....hope I get the hang of it !


  1. Hi Opal. Thank for stopping by my blog and for leaving such kind words. Yes, it looks like our girl, Ashley has created a monster. :-) Seriously, Welcome to blogland. I'm glad she talked you into it. And you will be too. Looks to learn, but it is so much fun and you meet some of the nicest ladies.

    Yes, I am a photographer and my advice would be to rent a few of them if you can before purchasing. I'm a Canon user and wouldn't have it any other way. A lot of my photograper friends would argue and say go Nikon. But in the end it's all about personal preference.

    So that's why I say rent them 1st and that way when you do make a purchase you will be happy with what you got. You can also buy some good used equipement at they are here in GA, but they have an online site. Very reputable. Hope this helps.


  2. Ummmm, your blog says mitchells mom, but you have 3 other children :)

  3. Amanda...Always being left out! Must be that rock we found you under!

  4. YAY that U have a is LOOKING awesome SO far! :):):):):):):):)

  5. Hi DomesticDivaFancy's mom!

  6. Hi there! I'm one of Ashley's blogging friends. Just wanted to say hi! You will love this blogging world. My mom blogs too. You can go over and say hi to her if you want --


  7. I'm coming from your daughters blog and wanted to say welcome to blogging!!!!!

  8. Stopped by from your daughter's blog. Just wanted to say welcome to the bloggy world. It gets easier.

  9. I haven't been able to post anything.. I have a 2 year old who keeps me pretty busy... hoping to get going on this whole blog thing.. sounds like a lot of fun.

  10. It's so cool that Ashley's mom is blogging too! Although, to us your blog's name might more appropriately be The Diva's Mom☺
